Monday, February 10, 2014

#Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream

A vanilla custard enriched with heavy cream makes good ice cream that can be flavored in many ways. Freezing the mixture in a ice cream churn gives the best result, or a food processor, but the ice cream mixture has to be processed frequently for a smooth result.

1 vanilla bean
2 1/4 cups milk
5 egg yolks 5/8 powdered sugar
6 tbsp. heavy cream
1 cup heavy cream

1. Split the vanilla bean and place in a saucepan. Pour the milk and bring slowly to a boil. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until thick. Remove the bean and pour the milk into the eggs, stirring it continously. Pour the custard back into the saucepan and stir over low heat until the mixture begins to thicken and coats the back spoon. Remove form the heat and stir in the cream, strain the custard. Cool it in a bowl set over a container of ice, stirring it continuously to prevent a skin form foaming on the surface.

2. Keep stirring the mixture continuously to make it smooth, whip the 1 cup heavy cream very lightly and then fold into the custard mixture until evenly combined.

3. Used a food processor, freezing the custard in a chilled container to allow it ti spread thinly and freeze quite quickly.



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